We are consulting on our admissions policy as we propose to change the admissions criteria to our Sixth Form and we invite your comments on this.
There are no proposed changes to our admissions policy in Year 7.
The proposed change is only to the Sixth Form section for external applicants (students who were not Year 11 students):
External applicants: There are 100 external places for pupils in Year 12 for September 2026. External applicants apply completing the online application on our website (https://www.horsforthschool.org/sixthform/apply/). If there are more external applicants than places, we will use the order of priority listed above to allocate places with an additional criteria of:
3a. Those with the highest point score in the best 8 GCSEs will first be offered places. Those with the lowest scores will be given lowest priority. The points awarded for each GCSE grade is equal to the numerical grade and non-GCSE qualifications will be awarded the same points as the DfE uses to calculate Attainment and Progress 8: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/progress-8-school-performance-measure
This will apply after criteria 3 (LS18) and no further criteria will apply (criteria 4 onwards are not applied to P16 admissions). Where there is a tie break admission will be determined by drawing lots witnessed by an independent party.
Current students of Horsforth School who meet the entry criteria are automatically admitted to the Sixth Form provided they accept their place and enrol.
The link to the proposed full admissions policy is here.
Your feedback can be submitted via Google Form (https://forms.gle/AxSCpjoiTgmLNBNm7) or posted to the address:
Dr Paul Bell
Horsforth School
Lee Lane East
LS18 5RF