Psychology (A Level)

A LevelExamination Board
What Do I Need To Study This Course?
6 or above English Language and 6 or above Science.
What Will I Study?
A Level Subject Content
The first year contains the compulsory content, in which you will learn 8 topics. The topics include psychopathology which acts as an introduction to clinical psychology, exploring the potential reasons and treatment for mental health disorders, as well as social influence where you will explore what makes people conform and follow orders to do things they usually wouldn’t. Research methods explore all the methodologies that are utilised in psychological research and how to analyse data.
The second year contains optional units, such as Forensic Psychology, Schizophrenia and Cognition and Development. Here you will explore various theories over what makes people break the law and how they should treat to lower reoffending rates, explore the condition of Schizophrenia with its potential causes and treatments, and the development of young children in how they process information and the condition of autism.
How Will I Be Assessed?
The course is assessed in three exams. Each exam is a mixture of multiple-choice questions, short answers and pieces of extended writing. Each exam lasts 2 hours and is worth 33.3% of the total grade. There is no coursework.
Paper One: Introductory Topics in Psychology
Paper Two: Psychology in Context
Paper Three: Issues and Options in Psychology

What Next?
Potential careers leading from Psychology degrees include: Psychotherapist, Marketing Executive, Advertising Executive, Social Worker, Counsellor, Human Resource Manager, Teacher, Research roles and Media roles.
With a Psychology degree and post graduate education potential careers include: Clinical Psychologist, Counselling Psychologist, Educational Psychologist, Forensic Psychologist, Health Psychologist, Occupational Psychologist and Sport and Exercise Psychologist.