Music (A Level)

A LevelExamination Board
What Do I Need To Study This Course?
Grade 6 at GCSE Music.
What Will I Study?
Appraising Music:
- Listening
- Analysis
- Contextual understandingÂ
- 10 minutes of solo and/or ensemble performance.
- Composition 1: Composition to a brief
- Composition 2: Free composition
Students will study, perform and compose music in a variety of genres from classical to pop. Techniques studied should be reflected in the students’ compositions and performances.
How Will I Be Assessed?
Appraising Music
- Exam paper with listening and written questions using excerpts of music.
- Section A: Listening
- Section B: Analysis
- Section C: Essay
- This component is worth 40% of the marks.
Performing Music
- Solo and/or ensemble performing as an instrumentalist and/or vocalist and/or music production.
- A minimum of ten minutes of performance in total is required.
- This component is worth 35%.
Composing Music
- A minimum of four and a half minutes of music in total is required (no more than six minutes).
- This component is worth 25%.