English Literature (A Level)


What Will I Study?

How Will I be Assessed?

What Next?

Why Study English Literature (A Level)?

Suggested Reading

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A Level

Examination Board



What Do I Need To Study This Course?

6 or above English Literature and 6 or above English Language.

What Will I Study?

Literary genres: Aspects of Tragedy
Students will study one Shakespeare text – Othello; a drama text – Death of A Salesman and a selection of Keats’ poetry.

Texts and genres: Elements of Social and Political Writing
Students study three texts:
A prose text: The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini; a play: A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen and a collection of poetry: Songs of Innocence and Experience by William Blake.

Non-Exam Assessment – Theory and Independence – 2 pieces of coursework, each of 10% of the final mark

Essays are 20% of the A Level, assessed by teachers and moderated by AQA.

How Will I Be Assessed?

Paper 1 = 40%
Paper 2 = 40%
NEA = 20%

Examinations for Paper 1 and 2 are marked externally by AQA. Coursework for the NEA component is assessed by teachers and moderated by AQA.

What Next?

Degree level entry to study English Literature or other subjects such as: History, Law, Journalism, Publishing, Communication Studies, Marketing, Sociology, Psychology, Drama and Theatre Studies.

Careers: Digital copywriter, Editorial assistant, Solicitor, English as a foreign language teacher, Lexicographer, Magazine journalist, Newspaper journalist, Publishing copy-editor/proofreader, Web content Manager, Marketing, Public Relations, Writer…the list goes on…

Why Study English Literature (A Level)?