Drama and Theatre Studies (A Level)

A LevelExamination Board
What Do I Need To Study This Course?
6 or above Drama and 6 or above English Language.
You also need to have a love of practical work and performing. The course involves rehearsals and theatre trips that may be in your free time so the willingness to get involved and join in is vital!
What Will I Study?
The Drama and Theatre Studies course focuses on practical work with devising, rehearsing, and performing taking place in the A Level drama studio. You will learn how to deconstruct, analyse, interpret, and perform play texts from a wide range of influential writers, as well as having the opportunity to devise your own original piece of theatre. You will acquire and develop movement, vocal, communication and characterisation skills as well as learning to use drama language and terminology. You will have the opportunity to study plays from the point of view of a director, designer, performer, and critic. It is great fun – why not join us!
Component One -The devising module allows students to explore a theme of their choice to create a piece of new and innovative drama. The process and performance are both assessed. There is a written portfolio to accompany this unit.
Component Two -The scripted module gives the students a chance to explore characterisation in more depth through close study of a play. This unit is marked solely on acting and there is a visiting examiner for the final performance. There are two performances – one is a group performance, and one is a monologue or duologue.
Component Three- The written exam is taken at the end of Year 13 and will test the students’ ability to evaluate a live theatre performance and analyse two play texts in detail. The plays we currently study are Lysistrata by Aristophanes and Machinal by Sophie Treadwell.
How Will I Be Assessed?
Component One – Devising performance and written portfolio – 40%
Component Two- Group performance and monologue/duologue – 20%
Component Three- Written exam – 40%

What Next?
- https://www.prospects.ac.uk/careers-advice/what-can-i-do-with-my-degree/drama
- https://youtu.be/NShpzFjLmxA
Generic jobs where studying Drama and Theatre Studies could be useful include:
- Primary school teacher
- Secondary school teacher
- Charity fundraiser
- Counsellor
- Human resources
- Lawyer
- Youth and community worker
- Social work
- Public sector work
- Project manager
Suggested Reading List
Expressionism: https://thedramateacher.com/expressionism-in-the-theatre/
Greek Theatre: https://greektheatrereasearchtask.weebly.com/
Find out more about the three leading theatre practitioners.
Stanislavski: https://youtu.be/9V7WcfzLeXs
Brecht part 1: https://youtu.be/-E6vhmcglT4
Brecht part 2: https://youtu.be/hb4vGULjuQk
Artaud: https://youtu.be/S1yVYcXPryY