We take bullying seriously and at key points throughout the year raise awareness of this issue and campaign against it.
As part of the National Anti-Bullying Week (this week) and to show we stand up to bullying, students will learn about the negative effects of bullying through Form Time activities and see a remote assembly led by the Anti-Bullying Alliance.
To end our week of activities Friday 20th November will be ‘Blue Friday’. This will mark the end of our week long school campaign to raise awareness of the impact on bullying with particular reference to cyber bullying.
We hope students will show their support and stance against bulling by coming to school on ‘Blue Friday’ in non-uniform but at least one item worn must be blue! This could be a blue jumper, hoodie, t-shirt, trousers, skirt, leggings, jeans, shoes or blue trainers the choice is yours!