Bad Weather Procedure
We will always try to keep our School open and only when safety is perceived to be at risk will we make the decision to close our School.
Some of our staff live a long way away from Horsforth and if conditions are extreme it may prove impossible to have enough staff to open the School. In some circumstances, we may delay our opening to allow staff enough time to arrive.
The Most Up to Date Information
Use our website as your main source of information – a clear message will be on there by 6.30am.
Please only phone the School in an emergency on bad weather days.
Bad Weather Overnight
If heavy snow prevents us from opening the School at 8.25am, a message will be posted on our website. If conditions change, we will always update our website message to indicate what students need to do.
If necessary, a text message will also be sent to all parents/carers.
Bad Weather During the Day
If we have to close the School and send students home early due to extreme weather or another emergency, parent/carers will be notified via our website and text.
In this situation, the library will always be available, and supervised, for those students who can’t go home early.