Enrichment Programme

We recognise the importance of broadening the education of our students beyond their chosen courses. Employers and universities place increasing emphasis on problem-solving abilities, inter-personal qualities, teamwork, communication, numeracy and the effective use of information technology.

We offer a comprehensive programme of enrichment activities which is ever-evolving and student driven.

Some are short projects like the NHS ‘Healthier Together’ assignment and some run every week such as the debating club and student newspaper. Some are sport related and allow students to achieve the Sport Leaders Qualification, whilst some are creative such as the drama club. Some hold positions of leadership such as being Head Students, Student Council or Mental Health and Wellbeing Ambassadors and many of them are linked to future careers or courses such as classroom assistance or mentoring younger students.

Our students organise fundraising events for great causes and help to run events for our younger students like the Battle of the Bands competition and the Winter Wonderland sixth form charity event.