We are very pleased to announce that we have just received the Accreditation of MindMate Friendly Status for our school and the sixth form .
The status will last for 3 years and it celebrates and validates our work on mental health for our students and staff across the school and sixth form.
We were inspected on the 6th May and received a glowing report for the work we have done for all our students, targeted students and for staff wellbeing.
Some excerpts include:
- Support for Social, Emotional & Mental Health (SEMH) in this school is outstanding. There is a strong whole school holistic approach which is well led and managed by Mrs Nowell, Deputy Headteacher, Mrs Gledhill, PSHE lead and Miss Bellis the School MindMate Ambassador lead. The needs of students are well met and managed, using a well embedded whole school approach which all staff are committed to supporting.
- Relationships within school are strong – student to student, staff to student, staff to staff.
- Students reported feeling safe and confident to speak to any member of staff, in particular pastoral staff, if they need support and advice at any time. They understand why it is important to ask for help and who to go to for support.
Student quotes included:
- “We can speak to any of the staff, you can talk to whoever you trust.”
- “If I needed help, I know lots of things I could do, speak to a teacher, a School MindMate Ambassador or use the Help Me button on the website.”
- “The curriculum covers mental health; it gets more specific as you move up school.”
You can read the full report here: