Yesterday (19th May 2021) the sun shone and the skies were blue and it felt great for our School Parliament to meet up for the first time in a long time.
Students in Years 7 to 10 met outside on our field and everyone brought some fantastic ideas to the table…or football pitch!
Our students split off to share their ideas and thoughts around our six different constituencies and about how they can have input into various aspects of their school life. The topics they discussed were:
- Sports and Extra-Curricular
- Well-Being and Mental Health
- Attendance and Behaviour
- Maintenance of the School Building and the Environment
- Teaching and Learning
- Anti-Bullying and Diversity.
Some fantastic ideas included new extra-curricular activities, ideas around positive behaviour comments, some great teaching and learning suggestions and how students can raise the profile of mental health awareness.
Well done to everyone for your input and ideas, your voice is so important to us.