Clubs & After School Activities – Year 11

Activities and trips outside of the classroom are an important part of our curriculum and we believe these experiences enrich students’ lives and deepen their understanding of subjects.

Here is an example of the fantastic opportunities that are on offer for our Year 11 students.*

Trip What’s It About
York Trip Geography GCSE field trip which is a compulsory element of the GCSE course.
London Trip For art, photography and textile students to support their GCSE coursework.
France Battlefields Trip The trip links well with both French and History.  It concentrates on the north of France and its links with England and is appropriate in the 500th anniversary year of the Field of the Cloth of Gold.  We also visit sites of importance from WW1 and WW2 such as Atlantic Wall and V1 launch sites in St.Omer.
Top of the Bench Competition A practical competition to support GCSE Chemistry. Our students got to the final at the University of Birmingham last year and came top out of all the schools competing from Yorkshire.
Hackathon (with Paralax) For our computing students to gain an understanding of programming in the real world from an industry expert.

Here is an example selection of the great activities you can get involved in, outside of the classroom:

Activity Department Day Time Location Staff (Lead)
Access to Music Music Monday/Friday Break Music SDE/OSM
Art Club (Late lunch) Art Tuesday W2 12.50 – 1.50 Print LBR/JDI
Combined Cadet Force (CCF) N/A Tuesday 15:00 – 18:30 Gateways School JAL
Concert Band Music Wednesday 14.50 MU1 OSM
Basketball Club PE Thursday 14.50 PE DGR
Musical Theatre Music Thursday 14.50 MU2 SDE
Drama Drama Friday 12.50 – 1.50 DS1 SKE

*Please note – this list could be subject to change, please view the Extra-curricular programme for 2024-25 here.