17th March 2023
9:00 am / 1:00 pm
School hall (6th form building)
The Anatomy Lab is a bookable experience for schools, colleges & 6th forms to showcase real anatomy to their students. We are award winning experts in creating experiences that can’t be created inthe classroom.
Matched to all the main GCSE & A Level specifications the experience takes students inside all of the main anatomical structures to see, touch and feel the real organ specimens. Lead by OfSTED grade 1, award human anatomist and qualified teacher Sam Piri we’ve over a decade of experience in delivering real impact in student learning in the sciences.
Each session packs rigorously academic content into a hands on practical enquiry based learning experience where students developbeyond recall knowledge of basic biology to being able to apply, analyseand evaluate aspects of anatomy, physiology & disease all related to coreconcepts within the GCSE & A Level specifications.