School Parliament 2021 Launches

School Parliament 2021 Launches

Last week was the launch of our wonderful School Parliament. Student representatives from each year group chose their area of specialism for the year and each committee began some initial discussions before our first round of meetings later in the half...
Christmas 2021 Multi-Sports Activity Camp

Christmas 2021 Multi-Sports Activity Camp

This Christmas we are pleased to offer some fun sessions led by our teachers and specialist coaches.Children aged 8 – 13 years old will be able to try out a variety of sports including badminton, basketball, football, rugby, gymnastics, table tennis, rounders,...
Open Evening Thursday 30th September 2021

Open Evening Thursday 30th September 2021

We are delighted to have the opportunity to invite you to our school for our Open Evening on Thursday 30th September.  The school will be open from 5.30pm to 8.00pm. We do however have to exercise caution. In order to keep our school community and visitors...
Summer 2021 Recommended Reads

Summer 2021 Recommended Reads

Our school and our English Department is keen to emphasise their commitment to reading and to encourage our students to love it as much as they do!  We want our students to engage in reading at home and the summer holidays is no better time.Below you will see...
Open Evening Date for Your Diary

Open Evening Date for Your Diary

It may only be July, but we’re already thinking about our next academic year and with this in mind, we are hopeful to open our school to prospective Year 7 students along with their parents/carers for our annual open evening.On Thursday 30th September 2021 our...