Working in Partnership
We are proud to work with key local partners or with those from across the region to play a pivotal role in the community in which we exist.
Leeds Teaching School Hub
Horsforth School is proud to be a Strategic Partner of Leeds Teaching School Hub and we have benefited greatly from having worked with them, since September 2021, on the DfE’s ‘golden thread’ of the core responsibilities of Initial Teacher Training (ITT), Early Career Framework (ECF) and National Professional Qualifications (NPQs).
It is essential that teachers, from the very point of entering the profession, at the start of their training year, through to teachers of many years in the profession, are given exceptional opportunities to develop their knowledge and skills. Leeds Teaching School Hub is different in its approach to other providers as it offers a personalised, face-to-face experience that is woven throughout all aspects of its work.
The highly experienced and knowledgeable Director of ECF is dedicated to working with schools across the city, so they benefit from in-person visits that instill confidence in both the Early Career Teacher (ECT) and the mentor, thus empowering them to engage effectively with the ECF and to develop their knowledge and expertise. Expert facilitators also offer a further layer of support for the professional development of both ECTs and mentors.
Leeds Teaching School Hub also delivers the full suite of NPQs and aims to offer the vast majority of its NPQ seminars in a face-to-face setting, giving colleagues from across the city the experience of coming together, to network, to reflect on and to refine their practice.
We would highly recommend all aspects of the work of Leeds Teaching Hub and if, having had the opportunity to start to learn about their work, you wish to find out more, then they would welcome a conversation with you.
To begin the process of registering interest with Leeds Teaching School Hub in the first instance contact the Principal, Nicola Cornfoot, at
Further important information is also available on the Leeds Teaching School Hub website
Mandarin Excellence Programme
We are very proud to have been accepted onto the prestigious Mandarin Excellence Programme. This is a government supported programme run in conjunction with the University College London, which aims to deliver a minimum of 5000 non-native speakers of Mandarin on their way to a high level of fluency by 2020. We are one of a small number of schools in the country selected to deliver this exciting programme.
There are many benefits to learning Mandarin Chinese. Not only is it the most widely spoken language in the world and an official language of the United Nations, but the importance of Mandarin as a business language has increased massively in recent years, with China’s economy now the second largest in the world.
We believe that students with a good knowledge of Mandarin will be able to set themselves apart from their peers and will have significantly improved employment and earning prospects across a range of careers.
More Information
Further information about the Mandarin Excellence Programme
FAQs about the Mandarin Excellence Programme
Combined Cadet Force
Combined Cadet Force (CCF) is a youth organisation that is sponsored by the Ministry of Defence and because of this sponsorship we can offer young people opportunities that would otherwise be impossible.
Its aim is to ‘provide a disciplined organisation in a school so that students can develop powers of leadership by means of training to promote the qualities of responsibility, self-reliance, resourcefulness, endurance and perseverance.’
Please contact 2LT Allison for more information.
Local Primary Schools
We work closely with our local primary schools, offering transition days and curriculum activities. We share a joint cluster board with the primary schools, and we have a cluster Student Council.
Horsforth Children’s Services
The aim of this service is to ensure all children and young people reach their full personal potential, by providing support around families when needed, and providing excellent learning and teaching experiences through Horsforth schools.
Our school works together with the relevant agencies in partnership to improve the outcomes for all 0-19 year olds and their families within the Horsforth Community.
To find out more please go to the Horsforth Children’s Services website.