Subjects per fortnight
(a total of 50, 1 hour lessons)
Maths |
7 |
English |
7 |
Science |
6 |
6 |
History |
3 |
Geography |
3 |
Computing |
2 |
Art |
2 |
Music |
2 |
Design |
3 |
Religious Studies |
2 |
1 |
PE |
4 |
Drama |
2 |
- All subjects are taught in mixed ability groups with the exception of maths. For maths, students are set by ability within bands of 3 or 4 groups.
- Some students have Geography, History and Religious Studies with the same teacher as part of our transition programme.
- All students study French and Spanish for 3 hours each for Modern Foreign Languages (MFL), unless they have opted to study Mandarin Chinese which is for all 6 hours per fortnight.
- Personal, Social, Health and Careers and Economic education (PSHCE) is taught for one hour per fortnight and is delivered by the form tutor.
- Towards the end of Year 7, French and Spanish students choose to study either one single language in Year 8, or continue with both.
Subjects per fortnight
(a total of 50, 1 hour lessons)
Maths |
7 |
English |
7 |
Science |
6 |
6 |
History |
3 |
Geography |
3 |
Computing |
2 |
Art |
2 |
Music |
2 |
Design |
3 |
Religious Studies |
2 |
1 |
PE |
4 |
Drama |
2 |
- The year group is divided into three mixed ability bands for English, Science, MFL, Art, Music, Design, Drama and PE. Maths is taught within each band but set by ability. Geography, History, Religious Studies and Computing are taught in different mixed ability groups.
- Some students have Geography, History and Religious Studies with the same teacher as part of our transition programme.
- Personal, Social, Health and Careers and Economic education (PSHCE) is taught for one hour per fortnight and is delivered by the form tutor.
- Whilst in Year 8, students are asked to make some option choices ready for Year 9 that will allow them to study some Key Stage 3 subjects in greater depth.
Subjects per fortnight
(a total of 50, 1 hour lessons)
Maths |
8 |
English |
8 |
Science |
9 |
5 |
History and Geography |
4 |
Depth 1 |
3 |
Depth 2 |
3 |
Depth 3 |
3 |
PE |
3 |
Computing |
1 |
Religious Studies |
2 |
1 |
- The year group is taught in two mixed ability halves for English, Science and MFL. Students within each half are in ability sets for maths.
- History, Geography, Religious Studies, Computing and core PE are taught in mixed ability groups.
- Students select History or Geography to study in greater depth for 3 hours per fortnight, and study the other for one hour per fortnight.
- Students study 3 depth options in Year 9, which are taught in full year group blocks. Examples include Music, Design and Technology, Engineering, Drama, Food and Business Studies.
- Some students may start the BTEC Sport qualification during their core PE lessons.
- All Year 9 students study the same science content.
- Personal, Social, Health and Careers and Economic education (PSHCE) is taught for one hour per fortnight and is delivered by the form tutor.
- Whilst in Year 9, students are asked to make some option choices ready for Year 10 and their Key Stage 4 curriculum.
Subjects per fortnight
(a total of 50, 1 hour lessons)
Maths |
8 |
English |
10 |
Science |
9 |
5 |
History or Geography |
5 |
Option 1 |
5 |
Option 2 |
5 |
PE |
2 |
1 |
- The year group is taught in two mixed ability halves for English, Science, MFL, History or Geography and core PE. Students within each half are in ability sets for maths.
- Students continue with the humanity that they elected to study in greater depth in Year 9. (Note: Some students may wish to study both humanities to GCSE level, and can select one as option 1 or option 2 to do this)
- The whole year group are timetabled lessons at the same time for Options 1 and 2 respectively.
- All students study Science for 9 hours per fortnight. Some students will select Triple Science with Statistics as an option choice, and study for a total of 14 hours per fortnight, taking the GCSE Statistics exam at the end of Year 10.
- All students continue with core PE lessons, and some students might continue with the BTEC Sport qualification.
- Personal, Social, Health and Careers and Economic education (PSHCE) is taught for one hour per fortnight and is delivered by the form tutor.
- Students in Year 10 participate in work experience in the summer term.
Subjects per fortnight
(a total of 50, 1 hour lessons)
Maths |
8 |
English |
10 |
Science |
9 |
5 |
History or Geography |
5 |
Option 1 |
5 |
Option 2 |
5 |
PE |
2 |
1 |
- The year group is taught in two mixed ability halves for English, Science, MFL and core PE. Students within each half are in ability sets for maths.
- The whole year group are timetabled lessons at the same time for Options 1 and 2 respectively.
- Personal, Social, Health and Careers and Economic education (PSHCE) is taught for one hour per fortnight and is delivered by the form tutor. All students continue with Core PE lessons.
- Students in Year 11 are given guidance to consider their future options (a place in our sixth form, a course at college, or an apprenticeship).
- All students have at least one meeting with our careers advisor.
- Students may follow an adjusted timetable in the immediate run up to exams, to allow revision sessions to take place.